Posts archive 7 / 2012
How to build your custom CentOS image on EC2
12/07/2012 - GĂ©rard Dethier Tags: tutorial ec2
In this post, we'll show you how easy it is to provision a custom CentOS based machine on Amazon EC2 using a Kickstart file. With this procedure, you don't need to find an existing AMI matching your requirements or wait for someone to build one. We've also used this procedure to create a vanilla ...
ComodIT releases Centos 6.3 cloud images for Amazon EC2
13/07/2012 - Laurent Eschenauer Tags: ec2 centos
We have just released a public CentOS 6.3 cloud image for Amazon EC2. This image is a vanilla, just enough, install with cloud-init. It follows the EC2 convention, meaning that root login is disabled, but you can log-in with the configured SSH keys as *ec2-user* and sudo access is available. We...