
Introduction to Provisioning and Configuration Management

A short screencast [3 min] demonstrating the key Provisioning and Configuration Management features of ComodIT. We show you how to quickly deploy a Wordpress blog on Amazon EC2 and manage its configuration through the ComodIT UI.

Publish your server applications

Learn how to add an application template to the ComodIT library and make it available to your users.

Clone and duplicate your servers or complete environments

Learn how easily clone or duplicate one or many servers in minutes and in one click. Use it to deploy your DRP, testing environments or any other business need.

Introducing the ComodIT Application Marketplace

Learn how to leverage our application marketplace to quickly deploy well known applications on your hosts. In this tutorial, we deploy an 'OwnCloud' server on EC2 in of couple minutes. The application marketplace enables you to easily share and discover new enterprise applications that can be deployed with comodit.

Re-deploy an Amazon EC2 server to Rackspace

ComodIT support deployment of hosts using a kickstart/preseed file even in the cloud. This means that using this technique, you don't have to manage cloud images, and can easily re-deploy a host from any platform to another one. This screencast shows the migration of an EC2 host to Rackspace.

Orchestrating Hybrid Cloud scenario

In this screencast, we show how to leverage ComodIT API to orchestrate the deployment of a web cluster on an Eucalyptus Private Cloud and then scale up in the Public Cloud on Amazon EC2.

Deploy and Manage an Eucalyptus Private Cloud

Learn how to automatically deploy from scratch and manage your Eucalyptus private cloud with ComodIT.

Deploy and scale Openshift PaaS on Amazon EC2

In this 5' screencast, we show how easy it is to deploy and scale an Openshift Origin PaaS on Amazon EC2 using ComodIT. The same orchestratrion scripts have also been tested on Openstack and Eucalyptus. You can find the source code of this demo on our public repository.